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【学术动态】讲座预告:China and the EU Governance of Climate Change and Renewable Energy
发布时间:2018年04月23日 12:37   作者:   点击:[]


讲座题目:China and the EU Governance of Climate Change and Renewable Energy


主持人: 刘琳副教授

主办单位: 公共治理研究院、政治学与公共管理学院

讲座时间:2018.4.25 (周三) 18:30


主讲人简介:高丽娜Coraline GORON,女,1987年生,法国人,牛津大学中国研究中心“Wierner-Anspach Fellow”博士后研究员,研究题目为@huanjing: The New frontiers of the State and the Politics of Environmental Conflict Resolution in China(@环境:国家的新边界与中国的环境纠纷政治)。2017年毕业于比利时布鲁塞尔法语自由大学 (Université Libre de Bruxelles) 与英国华威大学 (Warwick University),并获得伊拉斯谟世界计划 (Erasmus Mundus) GEM双学位政治学博士,博士论文题目为Climate Revolution or Long March: The Politics of Low-Carbon Transformation in China. The case of the Electric Power Sector.

主讲内容:The Paris Agreement has created a bottom-up climate governance system, where increasing emphasis is placed on decarbonization and the transformation of national energy systems and economies. A fundamental shift occurred in the framing of climate policy from being perceived as an economic burden to distribute, which had dominated the international negotiations until the Copenhagen Summit in 2009, to being seen as positive for business, and even necessary for economic growth. Both the European Union (EU) and Chinese governments took an active part in the construction of this new paradigm, which laid down the ideational foundations of the adoption of the Paris Agreement.

    The lecture will provide a comparison of how the EU and China have introduced industrial policy considerations in their climate change policies and institutions, between the time of the Copenhagen Summit and that of the Paris Summit. It will analyse the governance institutions and the climate policies adopted on both sides. It will also provide an analysis of how the EU and China have promoted the development of renewable energy, including the dilemma brought by trade disputes in renewable energy technologies.

    The lecture will be given in English, but the Q&A can include questions in English and in Chinese.

上一条:【学术动态】混合研究方法及其在中国公共管理研究中的应用 下一条:【学术动态】鳌山公共事务论坛(APAF)第三讲——民主如何促进经济增长:争论、中介渠道和独特优势



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