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【论文发表】李爽《The Influence of Culture and Close Others on the Effectiveness of (Self)-persuasion》
发布时间:2020年09月14日 09:16   作者:   点击:[]

近日,山东大学公共治理研究院助理教授李爽以第一作者的身份在SSCI期刊The Journal of General Psychology上发表了文章The Influence of Culture and Close Others on the Effectiveness of (Self)-persuasion



Although self-persuasion was shown to be more effective than direct persuasion in changing attitudes and intentions, its effectiveness in different cultures remains unclear. Furthermore, research suggests that Eastern individuals tend to incorporate close others in the self to a larger extent than Western individuals. Combining both lines of research, the current studies examined.

whether thinking of a close other would influence the effectiveness of (self)-persuasion across cultures. Two parallel studies were conducted. U.S. participants (nstudy 1 = 195; nstudy 2 = 292) and Chinese participants (nstudy 1 = 187; nstudy 2 = 313) reported their initial attitudes and intentions toward five target behaviors prior to either think of a specific close other or not. Subsequently, they were randomly assigned to receive either a self-persuasion or a direct persuasion task. Specifically, the self-persuasion task led participants to generate own arguments or arguments that they think the close other would give; the direct persuasion task led participants to read given arguments or imagine that the arguments were from the close other. In the end, all participants reported their attitudes and intentions again after doing the persuasion tasks. The moderation effect of culture was only found in Study 1, such that direct persuasion worked more effectively in Chinese participants than self-persuasion, whereas the effectiveness of the two persuasive techniques did not differ in U.S. participants. In both studies, thinking of a close other was not found to influence the effectiveness of (self-)persuasion across cultures. Possible explanations and future research directions were discussed.


Attitude change; close others; culture; direct persuasion; intention change; self-persuasion


李爽,山东大学公共治理研究院助理教授,主要研究方向为社会认知与态度,文化心理学、健康传播学。先后参与了重庆市高校人文社会科学研究项目、教育部人文社会科学研究项目、欧洲社会心理学会资助项目。担任SSCI期刊Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking审稿人;在《心理科学》、Journal of Behavioral Addictions》、《Frontiers in Psychology》、《Journal of General Psychology》《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health等发表SSCI/CSSCI 期刊论文数篇。


【文|李爽 审核|王跃 编辑|王跃】

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