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英国诺丁汉大学社会学与社会政策学院课题组研究员(Research Fellow


2018 年 4 月至今英国诺丁汉大学社会学与社会政策学院课题组研究员(Research Fellow)

2017-2018 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所访问学者

2010-2016 政治学与国际关系系助理教授,英国埃克塞特大学 (University of Exeter)

2014年4-6月 中国国际问题研究院比较政治与公共政策所访问学者

2009-2010 英国埃克塞特大学,工程、数学与物理科学学院、康伯恩工矿学院研究员(欧盟欧洲研究委员会第七框架专项研究组) (University of Exeter)

2008-2009 政治学与国际关系系访问学者,英国伦敦城市大学( City University London)

2003-2004 课题组研究人员,清华大学公共管理学院 NGO 研究中心


2003-2007 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University)环境科学博士

2001-2002 香港中文大学 政治与行政系哲学硕士

1996-2000 北京大学政府管理学院法学学士、经济学双学士


2013 英国埃克塞特大学“提高人文与社科学科发展科研策略奖金”, ((9,624 英镑/76,992 人民币),“大国兴起与国际关系的不确定性:中国的跨境河流与水安全”

2013 美国国家地理”空气与水资源保护”研究基金 (24,860 美元/162,634 人民币),“布拉马普拉河的安全研究:中、印、孟的河流合作与冲突”

2011 上海教育基金,复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院王川兰教授主持,“NGO 的社会作用”(人民币 3 万)



2009  Lei Xie Environmental Activism in China. London and New York: Routledge Paperback.ISBN-10:0415673399.

2017  Lei Xie and Shao Feng Jia China’s International Transboundary Rivers: Politics, Security and Diplomacy of Shared Water Resources London and New York: Routledge (referred publication)



1. Wei Shen and Lei Xie, 2019, Can China lead in multilateral environmental negotiations? Internal politics, self-depiction, and China’s contribution in climate change regime and Mekong governance?Eurasian Geography and Economics  (SSCI, Q1: IF=1.104)

2. Lei Xie, Yanbing Zhang and Jagannath Panda, 2017, “Mismatched diplomacy: China-India water relations over the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin” Journal of Contemporary China, ISSN: 1067-0564 (SSCI, Q1: IF=1.085)

3. Lei Xie, 2016, “Environmental governance and public participation in rural China” China Information, ISSN: 0920203X (SSCI, Q1, IF=0.966)

4. Lei Xie and ShaoFeng Jia, 2016, “Diplomatic water cooperation: the case of Sino-India dispute over Brahmaputra” International Environmental Agreement, Politics, Law and Economics, ISSN: 1567-9764 (SSCI, Political Science Q1, Economics Q2, IF=1.289)

5. Wei Shen and Lei Xie, 2017, “The political economy for low-carbon energy transition in China: towards a new policy paradigm?” New Political Economy ISSN: 1356-3467 (SSCI, Q1, IF=1.75)

6. Louis Augustin-Jean and Lei Xie, 2018, “Rules and Standards as Elements of Market Competition: Case Studies on China’s Food Safety and Agro-food Industries”, China Information ISSN: 0920203X (SSCI, Q1, IF=0.966) 2018

7. Sullivan, Jon and Lei Xie, “Environmental activism, social networks and the Internet” China Quarterly ISSN: 0305-7410 (SSCI, Q1, IF= 1.54)


1. Connor, P., Xie, L. Lowes, R., Britton, J. and Richardson, T. 2015, “The development of renewable heating policy in the United Kingdom” Renewable Energy, ISSN: 0960-1481 (SCI, Q2, IF=4.51)

2. Lei Xie and H. A. van der Heijden, 2010, “Environmental movements and political opportunities: the case of China”, Social Movement Studies, ISSN: 1474-2837 (SSCI, Q2, IF=0.944)


1. Lei Xie, We Shen and Muhammad Rahaman, 2017, “When Do Institutions Work? A Comparison of Two Water Disputes Over the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers Basins, Water Policy”, Water Policy ISSN: 1366-7017 (SCI, Q4, IF= 1.14)

2. Louis Augustin-Jean and Lei Xie, 2016 “Rules and standards between global public goods and elements of competition: case studies from China’s agro-food industry” Asian Journal of WTO and International Health and Policy, ISSN: 1819-5164 (SSCI, Q4, IF= 0.59)

3. Lei Xie, 2011, “China’s Environmental Activism in the Age of Globalization” Asian Politics and Policy, ISSN: 1943-0779 (IF=0.14)

4. Lei Xie and Peter Ho 2008, “Urban environmentalism and activists’ networks in China: the cases of Hubei and Shanghai” Conservation and Society ISSN: 0975-3133 (SSCI, Q4, IF= 1.03)


2017 年 10 月 谢蕾、李佳,清洁煤炭技术的全球角力:中美合作展望与中国的对策,广东南方碳捕集与封存产业中心、广东省发改委

2016 年 8 月张严冰、谢蕾, 中美在亚太地区的策略,清华大学公共管理学院

2016 年 7 月谢蕾、杨成,联通国内外水资源管理 中哈水资源谈判,华东师范大学俄罗斯研究中心

2015 年 7 月谢蕾、贾绍凤,以跨国水资源问题为抓手,加速中印关系和解进程,中国科学院地理所


2018 Kazakhstan focusses on water efficiency to ease water tensions with China (with Shaofeng Jia) Thirdpole.net https://www.thethirdpole.net/2018/02/07/kazakhstan-focusses-on-waterefficiency-to-ease-water-sharing-with-china/2015

2018 China’s water policy and the sharing of international rivers in Asia (with Shaofeng Jia), Global Water Forum,  http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2018/03/21/q-a-chinas-water-policy-and-the-sharing-of-international-rivers-in-asia/

2015 Xie, L. China Policy Institute Blog: Why do individual Chinese participate in environmental governance? https://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/chinapolicyinstitute/2015/04/01/why-do-individual-chinese-participate-in-environmental-governance/

2014 Xie, L. Perspectives from the region. East Asia Monitor. News Digest published by Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis. New Delhi. (Invited contribution)

2014 David Benson and Lei Xie, “Lessons for Sustainable Development from the UN’s Global Desertification Regime” E-International Relations. http://www.e-ir.info/2014/07/26/lessons-for-sustainable-development-from-the-uns-global-desertification-regime/

2011 Richardson T, Xie L, Connor PM. Assessment of the effectiveness and economic efficiency of selected support options for the United Kingdom. University of Exeter.

2010 Xie L, and Connor P. Target setting for RES-H/C in UK. University of Exeter.

2010 Xie L, and Connor P. Description of selected RES-H/C support instrument options including their qualitative assessment for the United Kingdom, University of Exeter.

2009 Connor PM,and Xie L. Current State of Heating and Cooling Markets in United Kingdom.University of Exeter.

2009 Xie, L. China’s investment in Africa, commissioned report for ‘Publish what you pay’ campaign, Global Witness (Non-governmental organization), London.

2008 Xie, L. Corporate social responsibility analysis, commissioned paper for Corporate Citizenship (consultant company), London


电子邮箱: lei.xie@sdu.edu.cn
